فبراير 2022

Flutter 2.10.2

 We are pleased to announce the release of Flutter 2.10.2 to the stable channel; this release contains the following hotfixes: flutter/95211 – Transform animation with BackdropFilter is causing a crash. flutter/98155 – App crashes after upgrading to 2.10.x using webview + video_player plugin. flutter/98361 – Error in DL bounds calculations causes incorrect SVG rendering. flutter/97767 …

Flutter 2.10.2 قراءة المزيد »

Flutter – Build and Release an Android App | App Signing [2022] ,Fix All Problems With Steps

https://youtu.be/XNGT1rVyPrE  1-Change App Icon A. flutter_launcher_icons: ^0.9.2 B. flutter_icons: android: true ios: true image_path: “assets/icon.jpg” C. assets: – assets/ D. flutter pub run flutter_launcher_icons:main E. minSdkVersion 19 2-Rename App A. pub global activate rename B. pub global run rename –bundleId com.hdev.badge C. pub global run rename –appname “New Badge” D. nfo.plist key CFBundleDisplayName /key string …

Flutter – Build and Release an Android App | App Signing [2022] ,Fix All Problems With Steps قراءة المزيد »