VS Code extension updates – v1.36.0


  • #3838: Flutter Apps runs in profile mode will no longer start with paused isolates (which the debugger must unpause) which could make them appear to run more slowly.
  • #3815: Running an app in Release mode has been simplified with the addition of a new command (Debug: Run App in Release Mode, an automatic launch configuration, and a launch configuration snippet), mirroring the same existing for Profile mode.
  • #3655: Online devices and offline emulators are now clearly seperated in the device selector.
  • #3827stful/stanim snippets no longer generate public API using the private State subclass.
  • #3843: Icon previews in hovers are no longer missing for newly-added icons or those that start with numbers.
  • #3821: The “cold boot” emulator options now appear alongside their standard boot counterparts.
  • #3819: After creating a new project, the prompt shown advising you to press F5 to start no longer notes that a device must be connected.
  • #3822: Generated debug session names no longer contain tags used to show icons in other parts of the UI.
  • #3842: Some additional “flutter build” tasks have been added and are now filtered by platform.
  • #3834: Having quotes around the flutter dependency in pubspec.yaml no longer prevents the project from being detected as a Flutter project.


  • #3840: Errors during evaluation in the watch/variables panels no longer show “function errorString” instead of the actual error message.
  • #3799: The VM Service URI used by DevTools will now be correctly mapped for use in remote workspaces (for example using VS Code’s Remoting extensions for SSH or Docker).


  • #3852: Launching DevTools in an external browser no longer writes an error to the VS Code developer console when using the latest (master) Flutter SDK.
  • #3817/#3818@tomgilder contributed a new “Open in Xcode” short-cut for the macos folder in the explorer.
  • #3813: Using a new version of pub that does not create .packages files will no longer result in additional spurious prompts to fetch packages.


  • #3848: Customizing a Task in a multi-project folder (monorepo) no longer loses the working directory.
  • #1516: Running tasks automatically upon opening a project (using runOptions in tasks.json) no longer sometimes fails on Windows.
  • #3847: Running build_runner tasks on the latest stable SDK no longer prints “Deprecated. Use dart run instead.”


  • #3769: A new setting dart.experimentalSdkDaps enables using new DAP implementations that will ship in the Dart/Flutter SDK. These are highly experimental and will only work with the latest development SDKs, but testing and bug reports are welcome.

Features/Fixes Enabled with Future SDKs

These items rely on changes to the Dart/Flutter SDKs that have not yet been released to stable channels. They will show up automatically when you update your SDK in future (or if using beta/development channels depending on the exact version).

  • #3846: The “Convert Getter to Method” assist now works for extensions.
  • #3844: Code completion no longer inserts unwanted commas when editing argument names.
  • #3823: A new “Convert to ‘package:’ import for everywhere in file” fix is available when using the always_use_package_imports lint.
  • #2492: The “Wrap with Column” refactor is now available when a Widget constructor is selected and not only when there is no selection.
  • #3830: The “Invalid file path” message sometimes shown when analysis fails will be more specific rather than a catch-all for several types of failure.

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