Flutter 2.10.4

auto Add Const in flutter in Android Studio and VsCode

Is there an easy way to add Const as much as possible in Flutter  Open Vscode : settings -> open settings.json file Copy paste following lines “editor.codeActionsOnSave”: {     “source.fixAll”: true  } Android studio In addition to linting, you can fix most cases of missing or redundant const automatically by running  dart fix –apply …

auto Add Const in flutter in Android Studio and VsCode قراءة المزيد »

Flutter 2.10.4

​We are pleased to announce the release of Flutter 2.10.4 to the stable channel; this release contains the following hotfixes: flutter/93871 – Custom embedders fail to build when using default sysroot (GCC 11). dart/48559 – Flutter web apps crash when using package:freezed. In order to get the latest, run flutter upgrade.  Thanks! — Kevin Chisholm …

Flutter 2.10.4 قراءة المزيد »