
How to generate [Free] and add privacy policy to Google Play? [2022] and to Publish App

 https://app-privacy-policy-generator.firebaseapp.com How to create a privacy policy URL for android app google play Generate free privacy policy for application and Play console. Android app privacy policy generator. How to create a privacy policy URL for android app google play Link Website “Privacy Policy Generator Free” https://app-privacy-policy-generator…. #AppPrivacyPolicyGeneratorFree #GooglePlayConsole #AndroidAppGenerate free privacy policy page and Term …

How to generate [Free] and add privacy policy to Google Play? [2022] and to Publish App قراءة المزيد »

Flutter 2.10.2

 We are pleased to announce the release of Flutter 2.10.2 to the stable channel; this release contains the following hotfixes: flutter/95211 – Transform animation with BackdropFilter is causing a crash. flutter/98155 – App crashes after upgrading to 2.10.x using webview + video_player plugin. flutter/98361 – Error in DL bounds calculations causes incorrect SVG rendering. flutter/97767 …

Flutter 2.10.2 قراءة المزيد »

what is flutter ما هو فلاتر

what is flutter ما هو فلاتر فلاتر هو SDK من شركة جوجل مخصص لبرمجة تطبيقات الهواتف الذكية العاملة بنظام الاندرويد وال IOS و فوشيا (نظام تشغيل جديد من جوجل) حيث يركز على تجربة المستخدم و المطور في نفس الوقت و هذا لأنه يوفر إطار عمل شامل بلغة دارت مخصص لرسم الوجهات بجودة عالية و تطبيقات …

what is flutter ما هو فلاتر قراءة المزيد »